Sunday 27 January 2013

Blogathon Week End Wrap Up.

Well, fellow bloggers it has been a fast, furious and fantastic  72 hours or so.   Today I have not been able to fan the flames of activity that were present in the first two days, but I'm trying to cut myself some slack.  The goal of this, at least for me, was to meet and interact with other bloggers and  that was accomplished!   Speaking of goals, I will show you my list and how it looks now.

My "to do list for this, my second blogathon...
~Take part in some mini challenges --don't know how many yet-
~Check out abt. 35 sites per day.
~Sample my box lunch and assess my hydration*
~Put my posts in appropriate 'files'
~Learn more about "Linkedin" and other sites
~Get up and walk around to stretch my legs and relieve my derriere*
~Respond to any posts on my site
~Have fun learning 

I still have not worked on the housekeeping aspect of my blog, but like other housekeeping tasks this one will still be there when I have time to get back to it.
It has been a joy meeting all the new and not so new bloggers and interacting with you.  This was the first "twitter party" I have ever participated in,and my comment to that was a resounding WOW!  It will surely be on my list of "must do" activities for next time. All in all I spent about 18 hours, which is short of the ideal 24 hours, but a good chunk of week-end was absorbed with the blogathon fun.

Many thanks again to Kathleen Garber and "the team" for their tireless efforts and patience with people like me who do not share their experience or expertise.   It has been great!


  1. Cool. I have found blogs to be a great way to get involved with a lot of others as well as learn something along the way. Glad you had fun! Cheers.

    1. Hi Jeremy,
      Hope all is well with you in this new year. Happy Blogging.

  2. It certainly was a fast, furious and fantastic week-end. Looks like you were able to get quite a bit done from your list. I was able to cross some things off my 'to do" list but still have lots to do!

    1. You are right, Monica, it was a great experience for me, though.I still have a lot to do, but time is on my side.....more or less!!!

  3. Looks like you got several things on your list done! Thanks so much for stopping by and paying me a visit. I'll be following you along as well :)

    Congrats on your accomplishments!

    Demi @
